03 DECEMBER 1992
life's a comedy for those who think. ♥ |
a smile a day, keeps rina awake all day!Wednesday, May 20, 2009 5:29 PMi'm kinda late today. rushed. bad cclothes day. for vdt, learnt new things. but i kinda... not paying attention =X it's theory on photography skills! yawns~ gotta catch up by reading the ppt slides. sighhh~ yes! 100 ways to draw a sun! INSPIRATION PLSSSSSS!! wds tutorial. bits and bytes... grrrrhhhhsss~\ damn suay also. THE COMPUTER I USE, NO INTERNET CONNECTION! break. did our project rehearsal. apel make up lesson. hmmm.. i realise, Mr Woobs love to clap his hand. wahah. funny guy. but i think he's kinda pssssss ? walked to the bus stop with dawn. ;D hope she can finish her work by today, so that she will be more relaxed for the next few days! [; hmmm.. then dabao rojak and popiah for mummy. glad that she has recovered! [; missed my goody friend phone call! i only realised like 1 hr later? sorry uh! he called back. had a great chat! and when abt to end, i heard, "WAH! 48 MINUTES!" well.. i hinted* u to do ur project! *ahem! lalala~ then here i am. blogging. supposedly, gotta meet korkor de. den at last, my timing like weird weird. so postponed. ); sorry! gotta meet up real soon! OH! how can i forget, I TOOK PICTURE WITH MR HANDSOME TODAY! AND WITH DANE TOO! HAHA!! [; *WHOoPS. APOLOGIES TO MR. HANDSOME FRIENDS. i know it's rude to borrow him for a while! sorry! [; will upload the picts when dane sends me! [; and. it's SEAN'S OH. MY GOODY FRIEND PROMISES ME TO GIVE ME MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT! (; and. do, be hopeful, boy. [; DONT THINK TOO MUCH! later celebrating sean's birthday. so gotta rush on my work le. goodbye for now! ohh. let me tell u a secret** sean's birthday is like PRINCE like that uh! his birthday need to activate everybody de. what a blessed boy he is! jealous sia. but, i dont like to be too grand too. heh! and.. yeah. may his wishes come true! and. i hope he plays less and study more! [; loveyah boy! tatahhhs~ tomorrow sch end early! (; no apel! |