03 DECEMBER 1992
life's a comedy for those who think. ♥ |
Sunday, August 2, 2009 11:34 PMhave been working damn hard thesse days. slept at 4 for boths nights.consequence -- HEADACHE! anyway, it's worth lahs. hmmm.. saturday. supposedly there's an outing with my lovely girls. but due to overloading assignments, i didnt go. ); hope they had fun. gonna catch up with damn real soon! start work like 9 am. stopped at 2 am. went to meet somebody to get my stuff and den back home again. home, work again. i was editting my pic for wds. i edit till i fall asleep. couldnt take any longer, went to take a 5 min nap. but as usual overslept. was like. DARN! dad woke me up. cos it's dawn's jie jie 21 bday. went to her place. back home late. I WANTED TO GO HOME. BUT DAD DOESNT WANNA SEND ME HOME! ); LEFT WHEN MUM FINISHED HER MAHJONG. IT'S DAMN LATE UH. back home. continued working. slept at 4am. today. woke up at 12. as usual. alarm clock rang, but, snooze snooze till... yarh~ right away chiong my assignment. but today, damn slacky. manage to do what i should do. but still got some touch up here and there. cravinggs for ice cream as usual. AND AND AND! SO HAPPYYYY!! GONNA MEET EKIA KAKEE SOON SOON SOON! which is like week 17's friday. ); so miss her mans! and week 17 i scary. - VDT ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE + PRESENTATION - WDS PRESENTATION - PRSP ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE + LAB TEST - CMSY LABTEST - COMMUNICATION SKILL TEST it's like. 3 days and so many tings. cos monday's national day. and u know, i'm so gonna motivate myself! HANG ON THERE AS HOLIDAY'S ARE COMING! GIVE IT THE BEST SHOT MANNS! whees~ i'm done with cmsy. before bed, rina needs to do some touch ups fo wds. and cmaths tutorial. CLUELESS? doing so much for u is just as for a good friend i think. nothing much i guess. i should be this way, i guess? argh~ whatever. i've no time to tink of all these. good bye pples! LOVE YAHS~ |