03 DECEMBER 1992
life's a comedy for those who think. ♥ |
it was fine.Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:52 AMwatched the legend of the black sugar chivalry.the ah pekk damn funny. keep snatching breakfast from guo jing. super damn cute. i think i'm like him now. wahaha. no food will die. and. yeahs. i nearly "died" today. first day of holidays actually. erms. no. now is 2.54 am. considered second day. wahaha. the day is not as bad as expected. i just realise an evening at home without sean will be boring. haha! woke up. nothing to eat. vacummed the whole house. *shirley, no hair le okay! wahaha!! no matter i vacuum my room i will remember shirley. cos she's the first one say.. wahhs. ur room floor alot of hairr. then got one time she sweep for me. wahaha. majiam malu! heh! wipe the whole room. damnnn dustyyy and my nose wentt... arghhs~. washed the toilet. woah~ i was hungry like shit! but.. since fetching sean soon, so may as well endure. cycled there. DAD REPAIRED MY BIKEE!! WHEEES~ [; sean wants Macdonalds. yeahs. cycled him there and da baooed the food. ride super hardd. cos he's NOT LIGHT! wahaha. and u know what. primary school students love to bring a school bag weighing one tonne! den.. when i was about to press the button for the lift.. i felt giddy... kinda wanna faintt. and sean thought i was kidding with him. and he's talking damn loudly in the lift.. and that made me even worst.. i rush home, lie flat on the sofa. after while.. feeling abit better le.. had my mcspicy. with food, RECOVERED!! [; heh okay. tutioned sean after lunch! boy uh! tomorrow must try ur verry best okay! my birthday wish is for u to score an A for ur maths paper! hah! jia you jia you! watched the legend of black sugar chivalry. nice nice nice. [; and i asked myself. why did i leaked such a big secret to you when u dint even bother? but thank god. i've woken up from the dream. i see no point giving you the trust when every word from me means nothing to you. UP UP UP THE WAY with DUMMBYY MONSTARRR! WHEEES~ ;) |