03 DECEMBER 1992
life's a comedy for those who think. ♥ |
Voluntary @ EA! :DThursday, April 1, 2010 12:21 AMHaven't been updating for a while due to my hectic schedule.hmmms. You must be thinking what am i busy with during the holidays ya! I'm BUSY PLAYING! :D hees! Actually not only am i busy playing, but also, making good use of my holidays to help the needies! For the past few days, I'm down for Voluntary Work organised by the Eurasian Association. Dane called me a few days back before the actual voluntary date to ask if I'm interested. So, why not? :D At first, i'm pretty nervous! first, I haven't been to Eurasian Association Centre which is situated at Ceylon Road. (*right opposite the president's house!) Second, Dane and i are doing this for the very first time and we knew no one! Third, we do not really know what to do and how we can help! However, things weren't that bad! We're early and we sat at the lobby to wait for Ms Florence. The friendly security guard approached us to see if he can help and stuff. We have never seen Ms Florence, and, we do not know how "monsterous" she was. hah! Not long after our wait, HERE SHE COMES! a very nice smiley lady! :D she asked us to proceed to the carpark where the two other volunteers would guide us what to do. and they are the lovely Uncle David and Aunty Aileen! (: After introducing, we load up the rations to the van! (*honestly, it's pretty heavy!) But, I'm a STRONG GIRL! (; and, after Aunty Aileen finish checking the list with Ms Flo, OFF WE GO! :D *exciteddd! :D by the way, our job scope is to just pass the rations to the needies. :D so it's kinda easy! and most of the places we went were the West area. everything went almost well and weather was alright for the first day. it was when we pushed the tv into the hdb building when the sky started to cry! and thankgod, that was our last stop for the day! :D and for the second day, the weather's treatment wasn't really good towards us. ): it raineddd and most of the rations we carried to them are a little wet. wet as in the plastic bagg. sorry about that! From this voluntary experience, not only have i helped to give out the rations, I've also gained alot of real life experience and did reflections during the long van ride from house to house. 1. Proud to say, though the event is organised by the Eurasian Association for the Eurasians, Dane and I who are not Eurasians actually helped. we are aware that the popularity rate in Eurasians are pretty low so, we seldom the chance to meet the Eurasians. and this is a good opportunity to gain more understanding about Eurasians! :D Singapore is a multi-racial country yo! :D After sending the rations to them, the smiles shown on their faces and the way they thank us warms my heart. They're nice people. :D YES YES!! andd! some even invited us into their house for a drink! :D but we've got other places to go, so we gotta say sorry. AND AND!! one of the guy i will not forget! the guy was waving to us all the way till our van went out of the carpark. it's so sweet cann!! (x 2. As the distance between each house are a little far away, we actually get to do some sight seeing. and from that, i realised that we all used to claim that Singapore is small. Actually there are many places we havent exploredd! There are several beautiful sights in the west area! :D So, thinking about that, yes, Singapore is indeed small as compared to the other countries. But, how well do we Singaporeans know about our area? 3. After living for 17 years, i have never ever visit a one room flat before. Those apartment which face each other door to door and have a darkk corridor. It's cool yo! *though its a little creepy! =x 4. Clean and Green Singapore. I was horrified to witness the messy void decks and corridors of certain estates of the west. They even had NTUC trolleys lying dead on the void decks. Looking at the state of the horrendous mess, i guess they do not have any cleaners to clean for them. and now, i know how important these cleaners are! and seriously, everyone plays a part to keep our country clean! 5. It was the last stop before it's end of the event. I must say that, that place is a really homely and lively neighbourhood. It brings a little flavour of the kampong style. :D the little cute kids were sitting on the stair case eating and playing. Big brothers of the kids are playing their guitar, singing along, big sister are babysitting their younger siblings, some are running about. This is what we no longer get in the east area. ): not only east area but Singapore. Children nowadays are locking themself in the room, glueing their eyes to the screen of computers playing computer games. How can we bring back the old times? the old flavour? ): *ponders it was a truly awesome and fruitful experience! Thank you Ms Josephine for telling us about this event and of course, the event wouldn't make possible without Ms Florence, Uncle David, Auntie Aileen and Dane! :D |