All Thanks to Renga! :D
the charming Research Scientist.
there're alot of keypointers that the speakers have brought up, which are worth thinking about.
i will sum up by saying, the conference is NOT FUN but Engaging.
but the next question is, how much have we absorbed.
learning hci myself, admire the asus speaker who had manage to evoke emotional aspect.
something that i did not learn i class.
and with that, i've realised that..
learning is really way beyond the four walls and a pretty/handsome lecturer.
how intelligent you are, is not by how well you perform in class (as in that's not enough).
it's not about how smart your parents are, that you've got it in your genes.
it's about you. how willing are you to learn.
and, next, are games all about reward system?
and. hoho! after every talk, there'll questions and answers.
i personally like this part as you get to hear different point of views.
and i must say that, in order to grow and learn, we need to consider people's view.
looking at how another disagree and yet, them, standing firm with their stand.
and of course, i admire their confidence!
more for me to learn~ :D
thank you accelerate 2010.
and yes!
time for me to get at least an android phone.