03 DECEMBER 1992
life's a comedy for those who think. ♥ |
this week...Sunday, August 30, 2009 11:43 PMhmmms.. this week.. rina's gotta start...1. exercising (i'm seriously getting more and more oversized.) hmmm. 3 times a week. i SWEAR! 2 days jogging, 1 day swimming. i better not swear first. haha. i TRY. [; 2. get my culinary skills right! mum decided to put me in charge of cooking soup! and. seriously, i thought of cook a spagethi meal for family! but... no ingredients, no money, cook what spagethi! )x 3. housework. vacuuming, mopping, ironing, clearing, dish washing. dad's naggingggg. 4. no shopping. cos rina ain't got money. looks like dad's serious! ); he's not giving me pocket money! actually is not that he's not giving. is i dont dare to ask for it. =X 5. stop thinkingg all the woo ehh bo ehhs. like what jolynn, vic and mabel said. should stop thinking too much for others. WAHAHA. does it mean i gotta be self-centred? 6. SATURDAY VOLUNTARY WORKK! i wanna commit in voluntary work. i better take back my words. i wanna TRY to commit in voluntary work. [; 7. there's time, i wanna get my keyboard skills right. keyboard not as in the computer.. it's the piano kb. heh! 8. get mummy's blogshop done! 9. pack my wardrobe. 10. [; |