03 DECEMBER 1992
life's a comedy for those who think. ♥ |
var rina:string=you fail;Monday, August 3, 2009 9:31 PMfail. as usual.i never know how to comfort people. i'm sorry for not being able to do anything and just lend a listening ear. however, dont worry too much yarhs. things will be fine. if it is meant to be like that, it will be. what you;re going through is part and parcel of life. so no matter what, must face it bravely yarhs! dont worry, YOU STILL HAVE ME OKAY! by losing one of your friend who doesnt cherish u, it's not end of the world. there are many million and billion of people out there! SMILESSS!! LOVE YOU GIRL! <3 reach home, there i goes, flat on the sofa. woke up. dinner. have a talk with mummy. ICE CREAM. AND HERE I AM. BTW, MUMMY FILLED THE FRIDGE WITH ICE CREAMM! WHEEEEEES~ gonna finish my wds by tonight. DIE DIE MUST! [; TALKED WITH LEONG JIA RONG. I TELL U, HE KNOW ME THE BESTA! HAHA! THAT SKINNY FELLOW, YOU BETTER EAT MORE! AND. YEAHHH! MUST MUST MEET UPPPp! [; SHIRLEY CAME TO CARE ABT ME. OMG! KINDA TOUCHHED! ); MISS THE OUTING THAT DAY. SUPER SAD. RINA LOOKS FORWARD TO NEXT MONTHHHH!! MEETING WITH HER GIRLFRIENDS IS A MUST EVERY MONTH MANS! [; OKAY. I NEED TO MEET ALOT OF PEOPLE!! GONNA GET SERIOUS FOR WORK LE. PEOPLE, TAKE CARE ALRIGHTS! [; |