03 DECEMBER 1992
life's a comedy for those who think. ♥ |
i dont know?Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:49 PMokay. this is bad.i dont know if i'm sensitive. but i just feel like people are like hinting me. hopefully, my instincts are wrong. alex ge. say that i better becareful. got anything, he'll try to help me. it's nice of him. but. BE CAREFUL? i'm wondering if ... he's like hinthint winkwink nudgenudge me? i asked him if i'm *aimed. he said MAYBE. that's scary~ kokpeng. say no matter wad, i gotta smile and be happy no matter what happen. it's nice of him to bring me smiles for the day. but... is something really gonna happen? argh~ rina rina rina IS SCARED OF OFFENDING PEOPLE! REALLY~! THIS IS DEFINITELY SCARRYYYY~!! AHHHHS~ but people, if i really did offend u, do tell me. i'm sure, that wasn't in purpose. if u're reasonable enough, the fault definitely lies on me. so, i will apologise if it's really my fault. and. yeah. met eric and dawn today before my tution to discuss abt chalet. it was a little scary at first. erms. i will not elaborate this part. yeahs~ short but sweet session ya. mum's tummy ache is back. she went to doctor. doctor said her "wei" kind of got rubbed off. de surface. HOPE SHE GETS WELL SOON! dad's "indigestion" is slightly better after eating the doctor's prescribed medicine. 2 weeks probation. if it continues dad need to go for a hospital check up. soundss baddd! HOPE THE MEDICINE CAN CURE SO THAT DAD WONT NEED TO GO FOR THE HOSPITAL THING. GET WELL SOON!! sean's out to camp. rina's alone in the room today. abit weirddd. but she's happy, cos she finally clear his lam lopp out of her room. now my room looks less messy. what's the morrreeee happppiiieerrr ting is, RINA CHANGE HER BEDSHEET TO THE NEWWW ONEESSS!! YAY-NESSS! [; |