03 DECEMBER 1992
life's a comedy for those who think. ♥ |
there goes another day!Thursday, September 17, 2009 1:36 AMwoke up cos ms jean called.due to the leadership stuff. looks like leadership and i are fated to be together. no matter how hard i push it away, i'm still attached with that. is this considered lucky or unlucky? well, actually i just wan a carefree poly life actually. i wanna be like how others are like. boy friends, hang out, play. but looks like i'm not getting any where nearer to there. this is what i call, fated. okays. talking abt sch stuff. why not let me start my speech for the ended semester. [; poly life. brand new life style i shall say. friends there are also obviously different. there's good and bad i shall say. fun is fun. but yeahs everyone have their problems too. there lots of things rina gotta improve on. in terms of friendships and how she deal things. that's a OF-COURSE for her to do. from this short period of time, i wanted to go back to childhood time seriously. those innocent days. but that's obviously running away from reality. different people, different character, different perspective. like it anot, we got to live with it. joined iitsc. i must say, it's definitely no regrets. at first, i pondered and thought. hmmms. iitsc, will i enjoy? but now, meeting more friends from other courses who are member of iitsc is definitely a joy. [; friends are people we cant live without. but also, beware, some, pokes. results are good. and. yeahs. keep up the good job! rina, your priorities is GPA! gotta rmb! okays. next. yes. tmr! i'm taking over CLUMSY ELEPHANT'S tution! kinda... excited and worried. hahas. naughty little boy. hmmms... guess i will be busier as days go by. gotta complete mummy's blogshop ASAP! supervise Sean in his studies. get chalet settled. meet up Wideans. meet up EKIA KAKEE. ANDDD PLENTY LOADS OF STUFF. can everyday pass slowerrrrrr? that's all i ask for. |