03 DECEMBER 1992
life's a comedy for those who think. ♥ |
<3 TBC`09; WIDEANS!Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:20 PMday1 was awfully boring.serious. i'd never been to a camp whereby everyone's so fantastically quiet. that was badd. and it's my first time wanting to go home!(maybe is eric's influence!)hah! did ice breaking games, cheers, dry games, night walk. ice breaking was funny, our record of go back jump, go jump back was awfully *AHEM! haha! our record is like 13? for the first day? WAHAHA! was damn funny uh! my empire is bad in rythmn. hah! cheers - awfully quiet. dry games - the spirit is some kind of there. nightwalk. omg. before nightwalk, they show us twins the horror movie in the LT. was scary like fck. after that, went for nightwalk. overall was not that badd. not as scary as expected. but rina's still scared. thanks for eric and the 3 other team members! [; afterall, our group kinda is the only team who solved it half-ed correct! [; --- to be continued. OUT TO LUNCH! okay. i've got a long lunch. back. day2. eventually. day2 was so much better! discussed abt night performance. somehow there. but not there. then. guys went for a nap. erms. for this. they went on a nap. hmm. first, they either had no sleep or sleep a little. being tired, they had a nap. plus nice weather. so. yeah. second. cos it's discussed half way. so it's somekinda. WHAT THE~ anyway, for my stand is. neutral lah uhs. cos. if they never slp, they tink they wont be that energetic for wet games uh. yeah. that's how i feel. and. yeah. no blames. next next. WET GAMES. it's damn fun manns. i think yeahs. we got splashed awake. i love the wet games. great effort manns! preparation for night performance. had bbq that night. seriously. i'm very touched to see the scene when we were all busy preparing the night performance. everyone playing their part. contributing to wideans. omg. i seriously love that manns. those who weren't really in the prep, volunteered to be cooking mamas. and yeahs. the food cooked by them were great too! [; hmmms. night performance. WE'RE THE FIRST GROUP. DESPITE BEING THE FIRST GROUP, WE WERE NOT INTIMIDATED! INFACT, WE WENT ON RAHHHHS-ING! WE DID OUR BEST. EFFORT IS THERE. WHETHER IS IT GOOD OR NOT IT'S NOT IMPT AT ALL. IT'S THE SINCERITY AND EFFORT WE PUT IN THAT COUNTS! [; AND, YEAHS. RINA THE LION. supper at mac with yongwei, chri and jac. got a nice talk. afterward, evonne joined us. [; day3. huntgry. omg. this is even more touching. first, i wanna say, i love this game. it's pretty fun. but one sad ting is, we're abit partedd during the runs and everything. but we all tried our best to stick close together uh.and yeah. touching part. some got unwell due to fasting and asthma. despite of that, they did not step back and continued helping. omg. i'm seriously touched by this. overall, great job, WIDEANS! go back jump. go jump back again. [; the other grp joined us. kinda cool. haha then final clash. woahs~ okay. rina's pathetic. she only threw one water bomb and pppeeeee. i'm out. uh. nvm. i be cheerleader. omg. this final clash is damn exciting mans. despite the pokey grass poking my butts and elephant thighs. haha! [; taufiq, zi qian and pat are amazing mans! and, WIDEANS WON THE FINAL CLASH! WOAHHOOO~ FANTASTIC JOB! overall, wideans got the best empire award. to get or not to get this award is not the crucial ting. like what irving says, IT'S THE FUN! [; for all i can say. i met great pple. great leaders. i enjoyed. played like mad. and gave my best. it's a good feeling for that. and. it's the end of TBC0910. A FULFILLING CAMP. I'M LOVIN` IT! [; OH. i made daddy wait for me for the whole 1 hour. sorry pa. surprisingly, he wasn't furious! whaha! |