03 DECEMBER 1992
life's a comedy for those who think. ♥ |
THANKS MY GIRL!Friday, August 7, 2009 11:28 PMhad a great evening thanks to my dearest E-KIA KAKEEE!!haven't seen her for a long while. so to thank her for intro-ing me the job previously, treated her M.O.F! ICE-CREAMMMMOOOo! WHEEEES~ THAT'S MY FAVOURITE ICE CREAM PLACE ALRIGHTSS! I HOPE SHE LIKE THE MEAL. SHARED ALOT WITH HER. WHILE SHARINGG. GOD KNOWS WHY I'M SO DAMN HAPPY~ WHAHAHA! I MUST BE MAD, REALLY. HAH. AND AFTER MEAL, WHEN SHOPPINGG!! WHOOHOO~ HAVENT BEEN SHOPPING FOR A WHILE AND IT'S LIKE FINALLY!! she bought a bermm. NICE NICE NICE!! i bought a top and a shorts. super love them. havent try. but hope it looks nice. well.. shockingly, KAKEE bought me a dress. damnn toucheddd cann! ('; next time i go out with u i wear for u okayy! [; saw lotsa nice clothes.. but.. gotta control! [; cos holiday coming, confirm going shopping again. so cannot one short spend all. unfortunately, didnt get to camwhore. ); next time okay! MISS YAH! AND THANKS FOR TODAY! STUDY HARDD YARHHS~! [; |