03 DECEMBER 1992
life's a comedy for those who think. ♥ |
Sunday, August 9, 2009 5:16 PMwas racking my brains to find some motivation for my dearest e-kia kakee.and i happen to see this damn interesting article. kinda psychology stuff. Motivation - Types of Motivation It can often be a daunting task studying for an exam, interview, or other similar purpose regardless of the specific subject that an individual is studying. This means that in order for an individual to study effectively it is essential for an individual to stay motivated. This allows the individual to work through the material and complete the tasks that the individual has set out to complete. However, the more complicated, difficult, unpleasant, and/or uninteresting the task, the harder it is for an individual to stay motivated. As a result, it is important for an individual to be able to identify the various rewards that he or she can obtain by completing a particular task. This may sound simple, but it can often be difficult to identify the exact reason that an individual should complete a particular task especially if that task is related to completing a large long-term goal. This is because a particular task may not have a direct reward such as receiving a license, a job, or passing a class, but may instead have a reward that is harder for the individual to define. Therefore, the simplest way for an individual to find a reason to complete a specific task is to understand that there are actually two types of motivation. The first type of motivation is referred to as extrinsic motivation, which refers to the desire to perform a task for all of the rewards that an individual receives from the outside world such as more money, a better job, a good grade on an exam, or anything else that the individual receives from someone or something else. The second type of motivation, which can sometimes be harder for an individual to acknowledge, is intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to the desire to perform a task for all of the intangible rewards that the individual receives from himself or herself such as the satisfaction of completing a task, the joy of achieving a goal, the gratification of learning something new that the individual wanted to learn, or the pride associated with living up to one's own values. Intrinsic motivation may not offer the same physical rewards that are often associated with extrinsic motivation such as money or good grades, but it can still be a powerful motivational tool for individuals that are attempting to achieve a smaller goal with no apparent extrinsic reward. so which kind of motivation u belong to? [; |